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The Resolution Process


Connecticut PTA’s resolutions and beliefs are what drive our association.

They set the direction of our association and provide legislators and other educational

leaders with our viewpoint on education and children related issues.

Resolutions and/or position statements may deal with local, state or federal issues.

They are usually directed at school boards, legislature, the State Board of Education, or Congress.

If your school or unit has concerns that are not addressed by CT PTA’s or National PTA’s existing resolutions, we encourage you

to submit a resolution to the Committee for consideration at the next Annual Meeting.

The CT PTA’s Legislative Committee, through its Resolutions Committee gathers and develops resolutions from local units, CT PTA committees and the CT PTA Board of Directors. The resolutions are acted upon by the membership at the annual meeting  and they provide the foundation for CT PTA’s Legislative Program.


December 1st is the deadline for submission of written resolution proposals to the Resolution Committee.

A unit, committee or board, not individuals, must submit resolutions.

To assist you in drafting your proposals, a sample resolution proposal is below.



WHEREAS PTA supports and speaks on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community and before governmental bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children; and

WHEREAS One of the Objects of PTA is to secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth; and

WHEREAS Incidences of gun violence are steadily increasing, and

WHEREAS Children are too often the innocent victims of gun violence, both physically and emotionally; be it therefore

RESOLVED That Connecticut PTA support legislation which proposes stricter controls of concealable firearms, including but not limited to, registration of each gun sold, recording of secondary sales, licensing requirement for purchases of shotguns and rifles as well as handguns, and stricter permitting standards for those allowed to carry loaded concealable weapons; and be it further

RESOLVED That Connecticut PTA inform its members about pending gun control legislation and the issues surrounding such legislation so that local PTAs and PTA members may encourage legislators to support same.

Submitted by Health & Welfare Commission 1994
Recommended by Board of Directors 1994
Approved by Convention Body 1994

SIGNATURE Sponsor of Connecticut PTA

PTA's Mission
To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
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