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This week’s update includes the latest key points and other resources you can use to provide consistent, accurate, up-to-date messages about COVID-19 vaccination. We encourage you to engage with us on social media, use content syndication to link to our web content, and send us your ideas for how we can make these updates more useful to you.



Resources You Can Use Now

  • Best Practices on Vaccine Storage and Handling: CDC’s Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit now includes an Addendum with best practices and other resources to assist COVID-19 vaccination providers with proper storage and handling of COVID-19 vaccines and aims to help providers meet the requirements of the COVID-19 Vaccination Program Provider Agreement. The Addendum will be updated with specific information for each COVID-19 product. You may sign up for email updates anytime the toolkit is updated.

  • COVID-19 Vaccine Training Module for Healthcare Providers: This new web-on-demand module is for healthcare providers who will be administering COVID-19 vaccine. The training includes information about COVID-19 vaccine EUAs, vaccine safety, and general information about vaccine storage, handling, administration, and reporting.

  • Whose Next to get the Covid-19 Vaccination? Updated 2/22/21 Click Here


On the Web


  • CDC’s independent advisory committee ACIP is scheduled to meet on December 11 and December 13. More information about those meetings can be found on the ACIP website.

  • CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier spoke with Dr. Nsikan Akpan from National Geographic for a Fireside Chat about COVID-19 vaccines.  Watch the interview here.


Spotlight: Vaccine Recommendation Process and Vaccine Safety


With vaccine news in the public spotlight, it may be useful to highlight CDC materials about the vaccine recommendation process, vaccine safety, and the Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care Program:

Schedule your Vaccine Today


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