College & Career
Readiness in Connecticut:
What do families need to know?
Do you know how testing has changed in our schools?
Do you have the information and resources
to help your children at home?
We want to empower parents with the information and tools they need to help
their children and support their success.
Connecticut PTA has partnered to host an informative event for New Haven parents and families.
We'll provide information and discussion on the changes happening around
assessments in our schools and throughout the state. Join us by participating
in the discussion, refreshments and prize drawings!
2 John Williamson Drive, New Haven
Wednesday, March 29
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
FREE Presentation, Dinner and Prizes!
Click here for flyer
Connecticut PTA would like to thank all Partners
Capital Preparatory Magnet School
City of New Haven
CSA(community services administration)
Elm City Communities
HQAP (high quality assessment project)
New Haven Family Resourch Center
VARICK Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church
Yale School of Medicine